Subscriptions to attend each of the seven offered Domino events available now. Subscription form can be found at the bottom of this page under Files. Regular tickets without a subscription will be available starting Thursday, August 1st at 12noon.

Decrepitude Blues
A COMEDY BY Douglas Bowie
Tomorrow is Warren Winter's 70th birthday. But he's not happy about it. He's not happy about much of anything. When he left his marriage, his wife told him he'd end up old, bitter, and alone. "Old? Check! Bitter? Check! Alone? You betcha!" He contacts his ex-wife, with the faint hope of getting back together, only to learn that she has taken up with his best friend. He announces a birthday party for himself and no one shows up. Indeed, the only thing he hasn't lost is his dark sense of humour, as he wryly confronts one indignity after another, as they befall him in waves.
Domino Theatre, The Davies Foundation Auditorium, 52 Church St.
52 Church Street
Kingston ON K7L 4X8